Welcome to Embrace JOY RETREATS

Let’s Bring Everyday JOY Back into Our Lives

Embrace Joy Retreats are destination retreats designed for any woman who aims to seek and know God. We do not provide any programs based on Eastern Philosophies or programs. Grounded in AGAPE Love, programs offered are created to assist each person to embrace God’s Word as healing, rejuvenating, and merciful, no matter your circumstances.


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Our Story

For Women Who Love God

Embrace Joy Retreats is a division of Therapeus Resilience Center. Our retreats are designed for Christian women seeking a place to understand and grow with God. We provide lodging, meals, activities, by-topic meeting spaces, and Bible studies, in a place where lifetime friendships are formed.

What Our Customers Say

Sed odio donec curabitur auctor amet tincidunt non odio enim felis tincidunt amet morbi egestas hendrerit.
Jennifer Lewis
Sed odio donec curabitur auctor amet tincidunt non odio enim felis tincidunt amet morbi egestas hendrerit.
Alicia Heart
Sed odio donec curabitur auctor amet tincidunt non odio enim felis tincidunt amet morbi egestas hendrerit.
Juan Carlos
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